A. https://g0blin.co.uk/billy-madison-1-vulnhub-writeup/ [wordpress running on tcp 69,wpscan, Caesar Cipher tool based on with a rotation of 13,dirsearch, smbclient, sending email using swaks, aircrack , suid, running binary file as root and adding user to sudoer , smtpd port 2525, email to backdoor, mapping a shared folder smbclient
B. http://www.hackingarticles.in/hack-billy-madison-vm-ctf-challenge/ [wireshark pcap follow TCP stream, dirbuster, hydra brute force ftp]
c. https://steemit.com/walkthrough/@shifty0g/billy-madison-1-0-walkthrough [port knocking, dirb]
Notes :
Had problems with getting the ftp port open. It kept on showing filtered. Telnet also was switching between filter and open. After I fixed the loop with host timeout option, it worked.
Based on the lport knocking link, nmap script needed to be run in spefic format.
A. https://g0blin.co.uk/billy-madison-1-vulnhub-writeup/ [wordpress running on tcp 69,wpscan, Caesar Cipher tool based on with a rotation of 13,dirsearch, smbclient, sending email using swaks, aircrack , suid, running binary file as root and adding user to sudoer , smtpd port 2525, email to backdoor, mapping a shared folder smbclient
B. http://www.hackingarticles.in/hack-billy-madison-vm-ctf-challenge/ [wireshark pcap follow TCP stream, dirbuster, hydra brute force ftp]
c. https://steemit.com/walkthrough/@shifty0g/billy-madison-1-0-walkthrough [port knocking, dirb]
Notes :
Had problems with getting the ftp port open. It kept on showing filtered. Telnet also was switching between filter and open. After I fixed the loop with host timeout option, it worked.
Based on the lport knocking link, nmap script needed to be run in spefic format.
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