A. https://www.mogozobo.com/?p=2848 [no open ports in initial portscan, tcpdump to listen traffic on the network, nc -nvlp 1337 to get the server connected after which additional ports enabled, long 74 character strinng that needed to be decoded using echo and xxd than mds5 unhash, Steganography using Steghide , sftp, ssh not allowed, file command, scalpel command, uncomment the jpg extension in the scalperl config file and ran it in an empty folder]
B. https://highon.coffee/blog/the-wall-walkthrough/ [fatcat which a forensics tool used for recovering / extracting data from FAT16 images ]
C. https://www.unlogic.co.uk/2016/06/02/the-wall-vulnhub-walkthrough/ []
Completed and stopped till phase 2
A. https://www.mogozobo.com/?p=2848 [no open ports in initial portscan, tcpdump to listen traffic on the network, nc -nvlp 1337 to get the server connected after which additional ports enabled, long 74 character strinng that needed to be decoded using echo and xxd than mds5 unhash, Steganography using Steghide , sftp, ssh not allowed, file command, scalpel command, uncomment the jpg extension in the scalperl config file and ran it in an empty folder]
B. https://highon.coffee/blog/the-wall-walkthrough/ [fatcat which a forensics tool used for recovering / extracting data from FAT16 images ]
C. https://www.unlogic.co.uk/2016/06/02/the-wall-vulnhub-walkthrough/ []
Completed and stopped till phase 2
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