How to Test
Since LFI occurs when paths passed to "include" statements are not properly sanitized, in a blackbox testing approach, we should look for scripts which take filenames as parameters.
Consider the following example:
This looks as a perfect place to try for LFI. If an attacker is lucky enough, and instead of selecting the appropriate page from the array by its name, the script directly includes the input parameter, it is possible to include arbitrary files on the server.
Typical proof-of-concept would be to load passwd file:
If the above mentioned conditions are met, an attacker would see something like the following:
root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin alex:x:500:500:alex:/home/alex:/bin/bash margo:x:501:501::/home/margo:/bin/bash ...
Very often, even when such vulnerability exists, its exploitation is a bit more complex. Consider the following piece of code:
<?php “include/”.include($_GET['filename'].“.php”); ?>
In the case, simple substitution with arbitrary filename would not work as the postfix 'php' is appended. In order to bypass it, a technique with null-byte terminators is used. Since effectively presents the end of the string, any characters after this special byte will be ignored. Thus, the following request will also return an attacker list of basic users attributes:
http://vulnerable_host/preview.php?file=../../../../etc/passwd http://vulnerable_host/preview.php?file=../../../../etc/passwdjpg
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