query status of a service
windows> sc query <service_name> state query qc
change startup type to demand (a manually started service). this will change the service startup to manual which can be started later
windows> sc config tlntsvr start= demand
turn service on
windows> sc start tlntsvr
to add a user
windows> net user [username] [passwd] /add
add a local grp to host
windows> net localgroup [grp name] /add
add a user to the local grp
windows> net localgroup [grp name] [username] /add
change the value to 0 to allow RDP connection from blocked (1) to allowed (0). on most windows rdp service is started but system is configured to deny terminal service connection from rdp client. this setting is controlled by a regstry key called fdenyconnections. add will overwrite exisitng settings. /v value that needs to be changed.
windows> reg add "hklm\system\currentcontolset\control\terminal\server"/v fdenytsconnections /t reg_dword /d 0
see all the valriable
windows> set
see specific variable
windows> set [variable_name]
see who is logged in/username
windows> set username
see where the shell searches for cmd to run
windows> set path
see where the o/s is installed and running from
windows> set systemroot or cd %systemroot%
list local grp
windows> net user
list local grp
windows> net localgroup
list memeber of local admin grp
windows> net localgroup administrator
show current fw config
windows> netsh firewall show config OR
windows> netsh advfirewall firewall
disable the fw completely
windows> netsh firewall set opmode disable/enable
allows to pull the service name using wmic
windows> wmic service where (displayname like "%[whatever]%") get name
windows> sc query <service_name> state query qc
change startup type to demand (a manually started service). this will change the service startup to manual which can be started later
windows> sc config tlntsvr start= demand
turn service on
windows> sc start tlntsvr
to add a user
windows> net user [username] [passwd] /add
add a local grp to host
windows> net localgroup [grp name] /add
add a user to the local grp
windows> net localgroup [grp name] [username] /add
change the value to 0 to allow RDP connection from blocked (1) to allowed (0). on most windows rdp service is started but system is configured to deny terminal service connection from rdp client. this setting is controlled by a regstry key called fdenyconnections. add will overwrite exisitng settings. /v value that needs to be changed.
windows> reg add "hklm\system\currentcontolset\control\terminal\server"/v fdenytsconnections /t reg_dword /d 0
see all the valriable
windows> set
see specific variable
windows> set [variable_name]
see who is logged in/username
windows> set username
see where the shell searches for cmd to run
windows> set path
see where the o/s is installed and running from
windows> set systemroot or cd %systemroot%
list local grp
windows> net user
list local grp
windows> net localgroup
list memeber of local admin grp
windows> net localgroup administrator
show current fw config
windows> netsh firewall show config OR
windows> netsh advfirewall firewall
disable the fw completely
windows> netsh firewall set opmode disable/enable
allows to pull the service name using wmic
windows> wmic service where (displayname like "%[whatever]%") get name
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