>useradd -d /home/fred fred
>id <username> = to list the id number for the user/group
> sh <root_username>
> linux file system structure = 2 b added
> ls -la = diferent color means diferent things = 2 be added.
> how to mount cdrom or flash drive = 2 b added
> locate <program_name>
> find / -name <file_to_look_for>..find / -name ls &...runs in the background using the & after the cmd intervention
> less <file_to_see_the_content_of>; ls /dev | less
> echo $PATH
> which ls = u can c where ls commands are being run from
> ps aux | less or top
> bg or fg = to start the program in the background or foreground
> jobs = to list all process running in the background
> gedit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> service network restart
> netstat -nap | less = show listeining ports;
> /usr/sbin/lsof -i | less = list of open files, close to above cmd
> tar xvf archieve.tar or tar xvfz archieve.tar.gz or achieve.tgz
> rpm -i <packagename> or -e for erase
> ./configure; make; make install = to compile and install components or some program
> grep root * = find files in the current dir. that contains the word root
> netstat -nap | grep 777 to see if anything is listening on port 777
> ps aux | grep bash = to c if u have any process named "bash"
> man ls or info ls
> whatis <command> = what does this command do
> apropas network = to search for topics and the command related to network
> man -k network = same as apropas network
> shutdown -h now or -r for reboot
>id <username> = to list the id number for the user/group
> sh <root_username>
> linux file system structure = 2 b added
> ls -la = diferent color means diferent things = 2 be added.
> how to mount cdrom or flash drive = 2 b added
> locate <program_name>
> find / -name <file_to_look_for>..find / -name ls &...runs in the background using the & after the cmd intervention
> less <file_to_see_the_content_of>; ls /dev | less
> echo $PATH
> which ls = u can c where ls commands are being run from
> ps aux | less or top
> bg or fg = to start the program in the background or foreground
> jobs = to list all process running in the background
> gedit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> service network restart
> netstat -nap | less = show listeining ports;
> /usr/sbin/lsof -i | less = list of open files, close to above cmd
> tar xvf archieve.tar or tar xvfz archieve.tar.gz or achieve.tgz
> rpm -i <packagename> or -e for erase
> ./configure; make; make install = to compile and install components or some program
> grep root * = find files in the current dir. that contains the word root
> netstat -nap | grep 777 to see if anything is listening on port 777
> ps aux | grep bash = to c if u have any process named "bash"
> man ls or info ls
> whatis <command> = what does this command do
> apropas network = to search for topics and the command related to network
> man -k network = same as apropas network
> shutdown -h now or -r for reboot
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