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Building Password dictionary

file 4.2, 25.40 minute

#cewl -d 2 -w /root/Desktop/dict.txt

  • cewl <url> -d<depth> -w<path>
  • Cewl – indicated the tool which is being used
  • <url> – here give the URL that you want to use as a foundation of your dictionary.
  • -d<depth> – here, give the number of links you want it to go through while creating your dictionary.
  • -w<path> – here, give the path where you want to store all the possible passwords.
  • For example in the terminal of kali type :[source:]

$ mkdir /tmp/source
$ cd /tmp/soruce
$ wget -r -1 [N] [target_website]
$ cd..
$ grep -h -r "" source | tr '[:space:]' '\n' | sort | uniq > wordlist.lst
$ grep -v '<' wordlst.lst > newlist.lst

-r pulls recursive pages from the target website, following links to a depth of N (-1) pages.
grep to omit file names  from the output (-h) while recursive going thru all subdirectories (-r) searching for files with any data in them "" in the source directory. Take those results and use tr to change spaces into carriage return. Sort the results and pull out unique  words, and store the results in wordlist.lst.
free dictionary generator tool at runs on windows
$ cat worldlist.txt | sort | uniq > dictionary.txt

eliminate duplicate words from a file involves "uniq" command, which removes redudant words from a sorted file.
$wc -l password.lst
counts the list of password in the password.lst
$ cat password.lst | pw-inspector -m 6 -n -u -l  -c 2 | wc -l      OR
$ cat password.lst | pw-inspector -m 6 -n -u -l  -c 2 >  newpassword.lst
pw-inspector allows you to customize the password file based on the org poilicy so if the company has a policy for pwd length=9, your list shouldnt have any character less than 9
m 6= min pwd length is 6
n = pwd must contains atleast 1 number
u = pwd must contains atleast upper case
l = pwd must contains atleast lower case
c 2 = minimum number of criteria required in each password crieria mentioned above is 2
use cewl @


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