Walkthru A. https://davidyat.es/2018/04/08/walkthrough-trollcave/ [stealing cookie but not working as expected. Getting info at the NC prompt but unable to reuse it to get admin web access] B. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfh7wHhMlWg [ruby on rails site/vulnerabilities, dir traversal, login with public key, exploiting vulnerability and adding public keys as authorized_keys in victims computer ,exploiting calculator application/program which is running as root, passing another set of commands as parameters to calc to chown and reverse shell, netcat without netcat: ] C. https://ohexfortyone.com/2018/03/trollcave-boot-to-root-vm-walkthrough-part-one.html [bash script to enumerate all users ] D. https://reedphish.wordpress.com/2018/04/29/trollcave-1-2-walkthrough/ [ linux/x64/meterpreter_reverse_tcp metasploit using an ELF based shell genereated from MSFVenom] E. https://vulniverse.blogspot.com/2018/04/trollcave-1.html [Text walktru of B] ...