walkthru: A. ine.com B. https://samsclass.info/127/proj/vuln-server.htm C. http://bulbsecurity.com/finding-bad-characters-with-immunity-debugger-and-mona-py/ [badchar] steps: 1-Fuzzing 2- Create pattern size based on above step to get EIP address (create shell code using pattern create. Remove loops. Shell code is x number where x was sized from previous steps. In this case 2003 bytes) 3-Overwriting the offset (use pattern_create to find the offset using EIP from above and verify the offset. overwite the EIP address with B or 42424242. shell code is 2003 *A+4B ) 4- Finding bad character (remove bad characters ( e.g. null byte) as if come across , it would truncate the string and mess you our exploit. shell code is 2003 *A+4*B+ badchar) 5-Finding the right module (mona module to identify a DLL preferably that we can inject to with no ASLR, no memory protection, no DEP, use nasm shell to convert assembly address to hex, identifying EIP address which w...