Metasploit Cheat Sheet You already know what a vulnerability is. An exploit is a piece of code written to take advantage of a particular vulnerability. A payload is a piece of code to be executed through said exploit. Have a look at the Metasploit Framework. It is simply a collection of exploits and payloads. Each exploit can be attached with various payloads like reverse or bind shells, the meterpreter shell etc. The beauty of the Metasploit Framework is that it is modular. You can mix and match different payloads and exploits to achieve the needed results. From < > Metasploit The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for developing and using security tools and exploits. Metasploit Meterpreter Meterpreter is a payload within the Metasploit Framework that provides control over an exploited target system, running as a DLL loaded inside of any process on a target machine. ...