how to move files between 2 systems using nc. works on both linux and windows. on source/sending machine #nc --lvp 2222 < sending_this_file.txt on target/receiving machine #nc -nv target_ip_address 2222 > receiving _this_file.txt Building off of the previous example, we can accomplish more useful tasks. Because we are establishing a regular TCP connection, we can transmit just about any kind of information over that connection. It is not limited to chat messages that are typed in by a user. We can use this knowledge to turn netcat into a file transfer program. Once again, we need to choose one end of the connection to listen for connections. However, instead of printing information onto the screen, as we did in the last example, we will place all of the information straight into a file: netcat -l 4444 > received_file On the second computer, create a simple text file by typing: echo "Hello, this is a file" > ...